Monday 21 September 2009


Guess who is a huge fan of Starbucks?

Praise the Lord! (PTL) :)
drank this amazing Passion-fruit Tea Lemonade today.

Thank you Starbucks, I have given into your multi-billion dollar company goodness.

*Did you know that Starbucks first opened in Seattle as Starbucks Coffee, Tea, and Spices in 1971.
*The Starbucks name came from Starbuck, Captain Ahab’s first mate on the ship in Herman Melville’s classic 1851 novel Moby Dick, who was depicted as an avid coffee drinker. Interesting.....

Saturday 19 September 2009

Pictures from Phone

Here are some pics I found on my phone from the last few weeks... enjoy!

ready for fall... pumpkins and Yankee Candle fall line.. :)

Norfolk sunset
view from our balcony

more sunset
Virginia Beach day!
staff meeting...
mermaids of Norfolk.. these things are everywhere!
Interns for life!
Matt, Amy, and me

Wednesday 16 September 2009

I *heart* Christopher Newport

I really look forward to my days at Christopher Newport University. My staff team spends Tuesdays and Wednesdays at CNU, and I LOVE it!

On Tuesday I lead my Launch Group where I get to spend an hour in the afternoon with 10 amazing girls. During this hour we hangout in fellowship, study some from Ephesians, and we are now starting some CoJourners training. During this time we learn how to share our faith with our friends and people around us. I just love this hour with these students, they are so faithful to in coming and I love our discussion.

Today (Wednesday) was a pretty day at CNU. I spent some time on campus just praying and people watching then grabbed dinner with a sweet student, Sarah. Then at 8pm is my favorite part of the week, our weekly Cru. meeting. I love the energy of the students. We have between 30 and 40 students that come out to learn about Jesus. How fun! Especially since its our first official year on the campus of CNU. So excited to see how God unfolds this year in this campus. I look forward to getting to know the students on a deeper level and to see the girls from my Launch Group fall more in love with Jesus.

Staff and Students at CNU during our first Weekly Meeting.
Yes, we planned the yellow thing. haha

My second favorite part on Wednesday is Tidewater Staff Team bonding! The great thing about launching ministries in new cities is that we are each other's friends. We spend ALOT of time together... aka we work together, we hangout together, we go to church together, we eat together, we sew together, we go to walmart together....and more! We all drive to CNU together in once car... with our trusty piolet Brian who drives the half-hour each way. At the end of the night, we are all sooo so energized from the day. We love to "debrief" and share what God did that day on campus. It has become a norm to have this debrief time in the car at 10:30 at night. Most importantly we bust out in song and dance to our theme song, "I Got a Feelin..." (black eyed peas). Tonight was a good, good night. :)

I love my team. :)

Monday 7 September 2009

Laboring and Retreating in WV

how I've miss those country roads. I spent Labor Day weekend in good ol' Morgantown, WV. How fun to drive into Morgantown with the mountains all around. I didn't think I would miss this place as much as I do! This place holds such a sweet place in my heart. Here are a few reasons why:
  • The people! My friends here are so dear to me. From my crusade brothers and sisters to my fieldcrest buddies. You all mean to the world to me and wish you could all move to Norfolk with me.
  • Mountaineer Football. Duh. There is nothing I love more than game-day saturday. Everyone in town is a football fan on game-day. I look forward to seeing a sea of blue and gold around town.
  • sunsets over the mountains.
  • the culture. the natives of morgantown are just nice, hard working people. i love the laid back nature of the people here.
  • familiar coffee shops like zenclay, blue moose, and the [morgantown] starbucks.
  • quirky things like the PRT and the Alley Cat Shop on High Street.
  • it's Wild and Wonderful!
  • this place will always remind me of my sweet conversion. How I *first* fell in love with my Creator. How my Creator grabbed hold of my heart. How He redeemed me from death and gave me life.
I guess more than anything, I miss the familiarality of the place where I spent the last five years. It was a great weekend to soak it all in and just "live." I am so grateful for my time in Morgantown. I have learned so much from being in this place.

I am excited to start a new adventure here in Norfolk. Excited to fall in love with a new unknown place. To make coffee shops seem familiar, to embrace the culture, and fall in love with the people. I'm ready!

Tuesday 1 September 2009

Apartment 5L

Here are some pics of the apartment. It is still a work in progress. But it is coming together!

Matt working in our kitchen.. Home-made cookies. Check out that apron. ;) Sorry Matt!
Here is my lovely bathroom. It is a 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom.
One corner of my room.
Here is one side of my room
bed, dresser.
I need a bedskirt...
Here is the lising room. Check our the new tv stand! 30 bucks on craigs list.

Other side of the living room. Tan chair from a thrift store. LOVE it!