Saturday 16 February 2008

RA Interviews & Lost

So I was really looking forward to blogging today. It's still so new and fun! I received an email from Aunt Edie this morning who was excited about the blog. So I am considering that the go-ahead with this whole blog thing. :)

I spend last night creating this blog and watching 4 episodes of LOST, my new (maybe unhealthy) obsession. I started watching Season One 2 or 3 weeks ago on and realized it is impossible to watch just one episode. So now, 21 episodes later, I am completely hooked. Favorite characters so far: Charlie and Claire... but they are all so sweet.

So i went to bed a little later than I anticipated because the creators of the show love to leave you hanging at the end of each episode (which is a good thing) so you have to watch another! sheesh.

But the RA interviews were this morning/afternoon. Three group interviews and two individual interviews. I am hoping to get a Graduate RA spot in Fieldcrest Hall. I love that it is small, away from campus, and the people there are awesome! So pray I get the spot. I felt pretty confident at the interviews, so we'll see.

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