Monday 2 August 2010


I got a special visit to today from a few really special girls.  My Hampton Beach girls!  I spent the summer with these girls in 2008 and it was so great to have 3 of the 4 of them here in Hampton Roads :)

We relaxed, and chatted, ate, and chatted, took a few pictures, and chatted some more.  :)

They also came to my new classroom with me and helped me laminate and punch out letters for a bulletin board that I was dreading to do on my own. Many hands make light work!

here is OUR masterpiece :)
and some frames for the faces. 

Sara, me, Lindsay, and Kristin
we missed sweet Bethany who is in Florida!

I just love these girls and hearing where life has taken then over the past year and how they've learned about God's faithfulness and goodness. That road of life is messy and bumpy but that Christ is the ultimate anchor of our souls.  Oh, sisterhood in Christ...there is nothing like it!

1 comment:

Kyla Makay said...

Very true! Great to have friends like that for sure! :)

Love, Makay